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Commission Business Meetings

The Commission meets monthly to conduct agency business on civil rights matters. Pursuant to the Sunshine Act, meetings of official business of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights are open to the public, apart from executive sessions, which may be closed pursuant to the exemptions of the Sunshine Act.

People with disabilities are always encouraged to attend Commission meetings. Those who plan to attend a meeting and require accommodations should notify USCCR via email to, as soon as possible to allow time to make arrangements.

Hearing-impaired persons who wish to attend a meeting and require the services of a sign language interpreter should contact Pamela Dunston at (202) 376-8105 or at at least seven business days before the scheduled date of the meeting.

If you require additional information on any commission meeting please contact:

Joe Kim, Public Affairs Specialist

(202) 376-8371

View Commission business meeting dates for 2025 as passed by majority vote of USCCR Commissioners.

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