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The Insular Cases and the Doctrine of the Unincorporated Territory and its Effects on the Civil Rights of the Residents of Puerto Rico

The Puerto Rico Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights announces the publication of its first memorandum as part of its study on the effects of the Insular Cases and the Non-Incorporation Doctrine on the civil rights of the residents of Puerto Rico. This is the first publication of the Advisory Committee, which was established in 2022, and is the first memorandum written in Spanish and translated to English by the Commission.

This memorandum is the first in a series that the Committee will develop over the course of its project, culminating in a final report. With a focus on a general overview of the topic, the Committee highlights a series of findings and recommendations identified in testimony received from subject matter experts and community representatives who spoke from historical, academic, and legal perspectives, as well as lived experiences. The testimony captured a wide breadth of information, from the historical context of the Insular Cases and the relationship between Puerto Rico and the federal government, to the effect on the quality of life of people impacted by the lack of full access to federal public programs, such as older adults, veterans, and individuals with disabilities. The Committee plans to develop its own recommendations as it moves forward with its project.

Report Type
Advisory Committees Reports
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