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Oklahoma Advisory Committee

Current Status

The Oklahoma Advisory Committee's four-year term expired on August 17, 2021. Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights must recruit potential members from a broad cross-section of political, professional, and educational backgrounds, and appoint members that reflect a diversity of viewpoints about civil rights. We strongly encourage individuals with a demonstrated interest in civil rights, as well as a record of working constructively in a bipartisan setting, apply for membership.


Advisory Memo on Racial Disparities in Policing in Oklahoma
May 26, 2021

Click Here to Access Additional Publications

Meetings and News

Meeting Announcements and Briefing Materials 

News on Member Appointments, Report Releases, and More



Historical Documents

Members, Meetings & Reports on FACA Database

Not appointed and without a project
Corrine Sanders, Support Specialist
Oklahoma State Flag

Committee Members

TERM  |  Expired

  • Seeking applicants for the next term

Interested in Applying?

If you want to serve on the Committee in its next term, please apply.

Apply Now