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Idaho Advisory Committee

Current Status

Accepting Applications

The Idaho Advisory Committee's four-year term expired on July 14, 2020. Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights must recruit potential members from a broad cross-section of political, professional, and educational backgrounds, and appoint members that reflect a diversity of viewpoints about civil rights. We strongly encourage individuals with a demonstrated interest in civil rights and a record of working constructively in a bipartisan setting to apply for membership.


Native American Voting Rights (Incomplete)
February 2019

Additional Publications and Archives


Meeting Notices

Past Meeting Records

Not appointed and without a project
Liliana Schiller, Support Specialist
Idaho State Flag

Committee Members

TERM  |  Expired July 14, 2020

  • Seeking applicants for the next term

Interested in Applying?

If you want to serve on the Committee in its next term, please apply.

Apply Now